HP De s k J e t an d De s k Writ e r P rin t e rs | S e rv ic e an d S u p p o rt Re s o u rc e s |
Service and Support Resources
HP Support Assistant (CD-ROM)
HP Support Assistant is an
avariety of
Obtaining HP Support Assistant CD-ROM
| Telephone | F a x | Mailing |
Country | Number | Number | A d d r e s s |
U.S., Canada | 1 (800) 457- | (317) | |
| 1762 |
| PO Box 4700 |
| (24 Hours) |
| Crawfordsville, IN 47933 |
| 7 Days) |
| USA |
Latin America | 01 (317) 364- | (317) | |
| 8882 |
| PO Box 4700 |
| (24 Hours) |
| Crawfordsville, IN 47933 |
| (7 Days) |
| USA |
UK | 1 (800) 457- | ||
| 1762 |
| PO Box 501 |
| (24 Hours) |
| 7300 AM Apeldoorn |
| (7 Days) |
| The Netherlands |
Europe | 31 (55) 384279 | 31 (55) 434455 | |
| (9:00 - 6:00) |
| PO Box 501 |
| (Monday - |
| 7300 AM Apeldoorn |
| Friday) |
| The Netherlands |
Asia Pacific | 65 | 65 | |
| 65 | 65 | Circuit Road PO Box 0131 |
| (8:30 - 5:30) |
| Singapore 9137 |
| (Monday - |
| Singapore |
| Friday) |
Hewlett-Packard News Network (HPNN)
HPNN is an electronic bulletin board service available only to HP authorized resellers. This service provides the following information:
Presales Information
Printer Drivers
HP SupportPack Information
Software Notes
Postsales Information