
resizing options 55 resolution 54 saturation 55 speed 54


with one ink cartridge 105 Printing Shortcuts tab 56 problems

copy 172

error messages 182 print 149

scan 167


quality print 54

quality, copy 88


Readme file 119 recycle

ink cartridges 279 red-eye, remove 75 reduce/enlarge

resize 90 regulatory notices

declaration of conformity (European Economic Area) 283

regulatory model identification number 281

reinstall software 130 remove print cartridges 273 removing ink from skin and

clothing 104

replace print cartridges 99 reports

print cartridges 105 self-test 114

reprint documents 93 features 93 photos 93

resolution print 54

restore factory settings 21 rotate photos 75, 94


saturation, change in print 55


photos to computer 74 scanned image 81


blank 169 button 11 cancel 84

crop incorrect 169 documents 81 edit image 83 fails 168, 169 features 81

from control panel 81 halts 168

page layout incorrect 170 photos 81

save to computer 81 save to memory card 82 scan specifications 278 stop 84

text appears as dotted lines 170

text format incorrect 170 text incorrect 170

to memory card 82 troubleshooting 167

scan glass clean 115

scan to menu 13

security Bluetooth 26 Bluetooth adapter 27

self-test report 114 set

print options 52, 56 settings

Bluetooth 26 country/region 19 language 19

setup button 11 menu 13

shift left margin 91 ship your device 273 sleep state 12 smeared ink 133 software application, print

from 51 software installation

reinstall 130 uninstall 130

speed copy 88 print 54

start copy black 11 start copy color 11 stop

copy 92 print job 69 scan 84

Store Demo 22 support

contact 270 support process 269 system requirements 277


T-shirt transfers. See iron-on transfers

technical information copy specifications 278 paper specifications 277 print specifications 278 scan specifications 278 system requirements 277

telephone numbers, support 270


cut off 159

dotted lines on scan 170 enhance on copies 92 incorrect format on

scan 170 incorrect or missing on

scan 170 jagged 148 meaningless characters 154 not filled in 136

smooth fonts 148 Tips Slideshow 22 transparencies

copy 87 load 44 specifications 277

troubleshoot cd/dvd print 177 fax problems 136 incorrect

measurements 125 jams, paper 49 language, display 124 print quality 133 Readme file 119


Page 290
Image 290
HP C5500 manual 288