Figure 3-9. Example: Multiple Channel Scanning
Example: Using the Scan Complete Bit
You can use the Scan Complete Bit (bit 8) in the Operation Status Register of a switchbox to determine when a scanning cycle completes (no other bits in the register apply to the switchbox). Bit 8 has a decimal value of 256 and you can read it directly with the STAT:OPER? command (refer to the STATus:OPERation[:EVENt]? command in Chapter 4 for an example).
When enabled by the STAT:OPER:ENAB 256 command, the Scan Complete Bit will be reported as bit 7 of the Status Register. Use the
When bit 7 of the Status Register is enabled by the *SRE 128 Common Command to assert an
The following example monitors bit 7 in the Status Register to determine when the scanning cycle completes. For the example, use:
∙an HP Series 200/300 Computer with HP BASIC
Chapter 3 | Using the HP E1368A/69A/70A Modules 41 |