HP E1368A/69A/70A Modules User’s Manual
*CLS, 29, 70 *ESE, 29, 70 *ESE?, 70 *ESR?, 70 *IDN, 70 *OPC, 70 *OPC?, 70 *RCL, 43, 70 *RST, 29 - 30, 70 - 71 *SAV, 43, 70 *SRE, 29, 70 *SRE?, 70
*STB?, 41, 70 *TRG, 70 - 71 *TST?, 70 - 71 *WAI, 70
Abbreviated Commands, 48 ABORt Subsystem, 50, 71 Address
channels, 14 - 15, 31 logical, 15, 18 primary
ARM Subsystem, 51 - 52, 71 ARM:COUNt, 30, 51, 71 ARM:COUNt?, 46, 52, 71 Attenuators
installing on E1370A, 26 - 27 internal schematic, 28 listing of, 26
Block Diagram, 12
Boolean Command Parameters, 49
Bus Triggers, 69
Cabling, 25
Card Numbers, 14 - 15, 31 Cautions, 17
CDEScription?, (SYSTem:CDEScription?), 46, 65, 71 Certification, 5
address, 14 - 15, 31 closing, 31, 58 enable register, 75 - 77 lists, 15, 58 - 60 number, 14 - 15, 31, 34 opening, 31, 59
query open/closed, 59 - 60 scanning, 39 - 40, 60 states, 43
switching, 31 - 33, 35 switching multiple, 33, 35 switching with E1369A, 35 switching with E1370A, 33
CLOSe, ([ROUTE:]CLOSe), 14, 29, 58, 71 CLOSe?, ([ROUTE:]CLOSe?), 29, 46, 59, 71 Closing
channels, 31, 58 *CLS, 29, 70 Coaxial Switches
coil voltage allowed, 13 connecting externally, 23 description, 13
electrical characteristics, 11 execution time, 77 installing, 20 - 22
listing, 20 split coil, 20
Coil Voltage Allowed, 13 Command Reference, 47 - 69 Commands
abbreviated, 48 IEEE 488.2, 47, 70 implied, 16, 48 linking, 49 optional, 16, 48 optional parameters, 49