10 OUTPUT 70915;"*CLS" | !Clear all switchbox status |
| structure. |
20OUTPUT 70915;"STAT:OPER:ENAB 256"!Enable Scan Complete Bit to set bit 7 in Status Register.
30 | OUTPUT 70915;"*SRE 128" | !Enable bit 7 of Status Register to |
| assert SRQ. |
40 | OUTPUT 70915;"TRIG:SOUR EXT" | !Set to external trigger mode. |
50 | OUTPUT 70915;"SCAN (@100:103)" !Select channels to be scanned. | |
60 | OUTPUT 70915;"INIT" | !Start scanning cycle. |
70 | WHILE NOT BIT (SPOLL(70915),7) | !Waiting for scan complete. |
80PRINT “DO OTHER OPERATION HERE” !Enter program lines for computer to do other operations.
100PRINT “INTERRUPT GENERATED” !Program goes to this line after interrupt is generated by a completed scanning cycle.
110END | !Terminate program. |
Comments Channel List Can Be Extended Across Boundaries. For multiple module switchbox instruments, the channels to be scanned can extend across switch modules. For example, for a two module switchbox instrument, SCAN (@100:203) will scan all channels of both Microwave Switch modules.
Setting Multiple Continuous Scans. Use ARM:COUNt number to set from 1 to 32767 scans. Use INITiate:CONTinuous ON to set continuous scanning.
42 Using the HP E1368A/69A/70A Modules | Chapter 3 |