parameters, 49 query, 46
Quick Reference, 71 SCPI, 47
SCPI format, 16, 47 separator, 48 types, 47
Comment sheet, reader, 9 Common (*) Commands, 47
*CLS, 29, 70 *ESE, 29, 70 *ESE?, 70 *ESR?, 70 *IDN?, 70 *OPC, 70 *OPC?, 70 *RCL, 43, 70 *RST, 29 - 30, 70 - 71 *SAV, 43, 70 *SRE, 29, 70 *SRE?, 70
*STB?, 41, 70 *TRG, 70 - 71 *TST?, 70 - 71 *WAI, 70 format, 47 list of, 70
Quick Reference, 71 Conformity, declaration, 7 Connecting
field wiring, 25, 28
ribbon cable to devices, 35 switches external to module, 23 switches to connector, 23
to different ports, 14, 33 Continuous Scanning, 42, 55
query, 56 stopping, 50
CONTinuous, (INITiate:CONTinuous), 30, 55, 71 CONTinuous?, (INITiate:CONTinuous?), 46, 56, 71 Control Register, 77
COUNt, (ARM:COUNt), 30, 51, 71 COUNt?, (ARM:COUNt?), 46, 52, 71 CPON, (SYSTem:CPON), 65, 71 CTYPe?, (SYSTem:CTYPe?), 46, 66, 71 Current
maximum allowed, 13, 17, 20, 23 - 24, 73
Decimal Weighted Bit Values, 62 Declaration of conformity, 7 Detecting Error Conditions, 43 - 44 Device Type Register, 75 Discrete Command Parameters, 49 DISPlay Subsystem, 53 - 54, 71 DISPlay:MONitor:CARD, 53, 71 DISPlay:MONitor[:STATe], 54, 71 DISPlay:MONitor[:STATe]?, 54, 71 Documentation history, 6
channel numbers, 15 coaxial switches, 11 description, 11 module panel, 11 power requirements, 73 routing a signal, 36, 38 single channel switching, 31 switches, 13
channel numbers, 15 channel switching, 35 coaxial switches, 11 description, 11 drive level voltage, 11 installing switches, 20 - 22 module panel, 11
power requirements, 73 routing a signal, 37
single channel switching, 32 E1370A
channel numbers, 15 channel switching, 33 description, 11
field wiring, 28
installing attenuators, 26 - 27 installing switches, 26 - 27 module panel, 11
power requirements, 73 Error
conditions, detecting, 43 - 44 messages, 66, 79 - 80 numbers, 66, 79 - 80 queue, 45, 66
ERRor?, (SYSTem:ERRor?), 46, 66, 71 *ESE, 29, 70
*ESE?, 70