Chapter 12
Cause: You might need assistance to enable the product or software to function properly.
File messagesThe following is a list of
•Error reading or writing the file
•Supported file types for the HP
Error reading or writing the file
Solution: Check to see if you have the right folder and file name.
Cause: The product software could not open or save the file.
File not found
Solution: Close some applications and try the task again.
Cause: There was not enough available memory on your computer to create a print preview file.
File format not supported
Solution: Open the file in another application, and save it in a format that the product software recognizes.
For more information, see:
Supported file types for the HP
Cause: The product software did not recognize or support the file format of the image you are trying to open or save. If the file extension indicates it is a supported file type, the file might be corrupted.
Invalid file name
Solution: Make sure that you are not using any invalid symbols in the file name.
Cause: The file name you entered was invalid.
172 Troubleshooting