12 Troubleshooting

There are some issues that may cause an application error window to be displayed, showing one or more error codes and descriptions. These are listed in the table below.

Error code

Short description

Full description





Non-recoverable generic database

An internal database error has occurred. Restart the application.



If the problem persists, contact your reseller.







Disk error: can't create temporary

The application does not have sufficient system resources to create


storage in infrastructure

temporary data. You are recommended to restart the application. Before



restarting the application, check that, for example, your hard disk has



sufficient free space.





Disk error in analysis

The application does not have sufficient system resources to perform the



file analysis. It is recommended to restart the application. Before restarting



the application you can check if for example your system has sufficient disk








Analysis: application or resources

The application stopped working. One of its resources is not responding.


not found or no access permissions

You are recommended to restart the application.

If the problem persists, the application may need to be reinstalled. Contact your reseller if necessary.


Disk error: can't create temporary


storage in job processing

The application does not have sufficient system resources to process a job you want to print. You are recommended to restart the application. Before restarting the application, check that, for example, your hard disk has sufficient free space.


Application or resources not found


or no access permissions

The application stopped working. One of its resources is not responding. You are recommended to restart the application.

If the problem persists, the application may need to be reinstalled. Contact your reseller if necessary.


Disk error: HP-GL/2 can't write to



The application does not have sufficient system resources to process an HP-GL/2 file. You are recommended to restart the application. Before restarting the application, check that, for example, your hard disk has sufficient free space.


Disk Error in PDF Library

The application does not have sufficient system resources to analyze a PDF



document. You are recommended to restart the application. Before



restarting the application, check that, for example, your hard disk has



sufficient free space.





Disk error: can't create temporary

The application does not have sufficient system resources.You are


storage in imaging library

recommended to restart the application. Before restarting the application,



check that, for example, your hard disk has sufficient free space.





Unsupported printer or required

Check that the printer you are trying to use is supported by the application



(see Supported printers on page 5). In particular, check that it is a



PostScript printer.

Check that the required licenses are installed (see Licensing on page 6).