System Reporter 2.8

3PAR System Reporter User’s Guide Select Prov Types

This control is available for VV Space reports.

Table 5-25.Select Prov Types





-All Prov Types-

The report will include all the VV provisioning types that are


included in the database.



list of specific

Select one or more VV provisioning types to include in the report.

provisioning types

Multiple VV provisioning types can be selected using




Provisioning types include:


full - Fully provisioned VV. The base Usr space is fully provisioned


with either with no Snp (snapshot) space or with statically


allocates Snp space.


cpvv - Commonly provisioned VV. The base Usr space for the VV is


fully provisioned and the snapshot space is associated with a Snp




tpvv - Thin provisioned VV. The base Usr space for the VV is


provisioned from the Usr CPG. Snapshots allocate copy space


from a Snp CPG if any.


tpsd - Old-style thin provisioned VV (created with an older


release than 2.3.1) where both the base VV space and the


snapshot copy space are allocated from the same Snp space


associated with the same Snp CPG.


snp - The VV is a virtual copy (snapshot).



Creating Custom Reports
