System Reporter 2.8

3PAR System Reporter User’s Guide

where <server_name> is the name of your server. The following is an example of the table returned:

Figure 8-1.System Reporter Version Report

This query returns a 3x3 table with the column headers Category, Major, and Minor. The two rows after the header contain major and minor numbers for Product and ReportData.

The Product version numbers are informational only and are the numbers assigned to the product when it is released. The Product version number is not necessarily related to the ReportData version. The Product version of the server will be the same as is displayed in the upper frame of the Web client.

The ReportData version numbers correspond to the format of the data as provided by the server. These numbers will change according to the following rules:

Bug fixes do not cause a change in version number. If data in a table is being incorrectly reported, fixing the server to report it correctly does not change the version.

Adding one or more new columns to a table without changing any of the existing columns causes the minor number to be incremented.

Removing a column causes the major number to be incremented.

Changing the meaning of a column causes the major number to be incremented.

Clients can accept lower version numbers if the client has been coded to work with previous versions. Clients can accept newer minor numbers when the major number is the same since the data format is compatible, but may wish to warn the user that not all features of the server's data will be represented. The client should not attempt to use data from a server with a newer major number. The simplest approach is for the client to reject a server unless the major and minor number of the server's data format is the same as the data format specification used to code the client.

Data Format Version Report
