3PAR System Reporter User’s Guide

Revision History

Release level

Revision summary




First release of this manual to support the release of 3PAR System

August 2005

Reporter, external beta release.




Second release of this manual to support external beta release 1.1.

September 2005

Changes include:


SQLite database compaction is no longer necessary.


Support for using SSL for CLI communications with each InServ




LD Perf vs Time, LD Perf at Time and LD Svt Histogram reports added


to the Web interface. New LDIO worksheet added to the Excel




VLUN Svt Histogram and PD Svt Histogram reports added to Web


interface. Corresponding changes added to the Excel client.


Web interface enhanced to allow automatic periodic report reloads/




Web queries now accept negative values for begintsecs and endtsecs





Revision History RH.1