System Reporter 2.8

3PAR System Reporter User’s Guide

As part of installing the System Reporter tools (see Installing or Upgrading the System Reporter Tools on page 3.24), the installer creates two Apache HTTP Server config.tcl files to store

the user names and passwords for the cliuser and the webuser. See 7.8 Modifying the

Apache HTTP Server Configuration Files on page 7.23 for instructions on editing these config.tcl files if you change the MySQL usernames and passwords at a later time.

NOTE: When creating the users, you must assign them passwords in order for System Reporter to function properly.

4Grant the two users the privilege levels described above by running the commands below:

use inservstats

grant all on * to cliuser; grant select on * to webuser; exit;

5Exit the mysql command line by running the following command:


3.8.3 Setting Up the Oracle Database (Optional)

System Reporter supports the use of MySQL® Database Server or Oracle 11g Database Server. To use Oracle, you must set up Oracle, following the instructions provided in this section. To use and install MySQL go to 3.8.2 Installing and Setting Up the MySQL Database (Optional) on page 3.16.

Oracle is optional third-party software and is not provided by 3PAR.

Installing the Oracle database server is beyond the scope of this guide. We assume that you already have an Oracle database server. In this section we describe how to create a database and users on that server for the System Reporter and how to set up a connection to the database from the System Reporter. Creating an Oracle database

On the Oracle database server:

1Start the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant.

Installing the Database Server
