System Reporter 2.83PAR System Reporter User’s Guide

8.4.36 selpdstate

Use the selpdstate option to select physical disks according to their state (valid or Not valid). values:

Specify one or more of the following:

--All PD States--

(Default). PDs are not excluded based on their state.


Specify this value to include all valid physical disks.

Not valid

Specify this value to include only physical disks that do not have a state of valid. For this

value, an escape sequence may be required to retain spacing (for example, “Not%20valid”). example:

The following example shows two ways to specify that physical disks are not to be excluded based on their states:




The following example specifies that only physical disks with a current state of Not valid should be used:


8.4.37 selporttype

Use the selporttype option to select ports according to their type. values:

Specify one or more of the following:

Report Options
