System Reporter 2.8

3PAR System Reporter User’s Guide

Backs up the entire database from MySQL:

sysbck -dbtype mysql -dbhost istat -db cliuser -dbpwfile dbpwfile - backupfilename "c:/test/test_20100713_1322PM"

Backs up the entire database from SQLite:

sysbck -dbtype sqlite -dbhost istat -db cliuser -dbpwfile dbpwfile - backupfilename "c:/test/test_20100713_1322PM"

Issuing sysbck without an InServ name (this will extract for all InServ’s for the period July

13 2010 till July 14th 2010 00:00:00):

sysbck -dbtype oracle -dbhost istat -db cliuser -dbpwfile dbpwfile - backupfilename "c:/test/test_20100713_1322PM" -dbouttype mysql -begintime "07/13/2010" -endtime "07/14/2010" -inservname s074:s138 -scripttype both

Issuing sysbck without a begin and end date (this will extract for all data for inServ s138):

sysbck -dbtype oracle -dbhost istat -db cliuser -dbpwfile dbpwfile - backupfilename "c:/test/test_20100713_1322PM" -dbouttype mysql -inservname s138 -scripttype both

Issuing sysbck without a begin and end date and dbouttype (Note this will extract for all data for inServ s138; in this instance the extract will default to the MySQL extraction:

sysbck -dbtype oracle -dbhost istat -db cliuser -dbpwfile dbpwfile - backupfilename "c:/test/test_20100713_1322PM" -inservname s138 -scripttype both

Extracting Data from the Database with sysbck 11.11