3PAR System Reporter User’s Guide

System Reporter 2.8

CAUTION: Depending on your Web browser, simply clicking the Excel Client link may cause the Excel client to open in your browser window, which will not give you access to the full Excel client functionality. Be sure to save the file on your local machine and then refer to Accessing the Optional Excel Client on page 4.6 for further instructions.

3.11 About Apache HTTP Server Authorization and Access Control

You can configure Apache HTTP Server to require a username and password before allowing a user to:

read the 3PAR System Reporter database or view the database sampling policies.

make changes to database sampling policies.

NOTE: Viewing and editing the 3PAR System Reporter database sampling policies can only be done via Web browser, as described in 7.2.2 Editing Sampling Policies on page 7.4.

One username and password pair can be used for both, or a different username/password pair can be used for each of these functions. Using two username/password pairs will allow you to configure System Reporter such that a user is able to read the database and view sampling policies, but is not allowed to modify System Reporter database policy settings.

Apache HTTP Server authorization and access control information is stored in the main configuration file, httpd.conf. You can add one or two Directory directives to the httpd.conf file to control user access to the System Reporter database as described above. Refer to the contents of the httpd.conf file as well as your Apache documentation for more information regarding the directives contained in this file and how to add Directory


When adding Directory directives to the httpd.conf file, a username and password pair applied to the cgi-bin/3par-rptsdirectory will control reading of the database and the display of policy settings. A username and password pair applied to the cgi-bin/3par-

policy directory will control modifications to the policy settings.

Within the Directory directive, the AuthName property corresponds to a field that appears in the connection dialog box that the user sees when trying to access restricted functionality


About Apache HTTP Server Authorization and Access Control