System Reporter 2.8

3PAR System Reporter User’s Guide value:


This option causes the results in the left column of the table to be preceeded by an apostrophe so that Excel will not perceive values as numbers. See Objects Present Reports on page 8.61 for additional details. example:

The following example specifies that results in the left column of the table are to be preceded by an apostrophe so that Excel will not perceive the values as a numbers:


8.4.12 alllabels

The alllabels option selects whether or not each point on the time axis of a chart is

labelled. values:

Specify one of the following:


All points on the time axis will be labelled with the time. The time axis may be longer to ensure that spacing between samples is sufficient for readable labels.


(Default). Time axis tables will be spaced at regular intervals and the spacing between samples will be reduced to make the time shorter. example:

The following example specifies that all the time axis points should be labelled:


Report Options
