System Reporter 2.8

3PAR System Reporter User’s Guide Installing MySQL Server

To use MySQL for the 3PAR System Reporter database, obtain a software license and a copy of MySQL Database Server, version 5.1. See for licensing and download instructions.

NOTE: Beginning with the 2.2 release, System Reporter can use a MySQL database on a remote server. The MySQL installation and configuration steps are the same for the remote server. See section 3.9 Installing or Upgrading the System Reporter Tools on page 3.24 for configuring System Reporter to use a remote MySQL database.

After downloading the MySQL executable, use the MySQL Server Setup Wizard to set up and configure MySQL as follows:

1Open the MySQL executable.

2When prompted, click Next.

3Choose a Typical installation and click Next.

4Click Install.

5Click Skip Sign-Upthen click Next.

6Make sure that Configure MySQL Server now is checked and then click Finish. The MySQL Server Instance Configuration Wizard appears.

Installing the Database Server
