3PAR System Reporter User’s Guide

System Reporter 2.8

NOTE: The -inservnameparameter specifies the IP Name or Address that was assigned while configuring the InServ Systems. If you are not sure, consult Policy Settings -> InServ Systems to get this parameter.

NOTE: The -dbouttypeparameter should not be used when extracting data for analysis by 3PAR support.

Depending on the -scripttypeparameter, the sysbck command produces one or both of the following types of files:

1The <backup>.str file contains SQL code to create the database structure (tables and indexes).

2The <backup>.ins contains SQL code to insert the data into the tables.

These files can be source as SQL commands to create the schema and insert the data respectively.

To limit the extracted data to one or more InServ systems, use the -inservnameparameter. To limit the extracted data to a particular time period, use the -begintimeand -endtime


11.6.1 Examples of Using sysbck for Various Databases

Following are examples of how to use the sysbck command to generate output for various databases.

NOTE: the dbouttype parameter is optional; by default, the extract database is



Extracting Data from the Database with sysbck