3PAR System Reporter User’s Guide

System Reporter 2.8

11.2 Troubleshooting the Sampling Components

The System Reporter sampling components include several processes. Most of these processes create log files that are the first things you should look at when troubleshooting.

11.2.1 Sampling Component Log Files

In general, a sampling component process named <process_name> creates a log file named <process_name>.log. However, for some processes a separate instance of the process is

created for each InServ system and for these processes the log file is named

<process_name>_<inserv_ip>.log where <inserv_ip> is the IP name or address of the InServ system. On Windows, this is in the 3PAR System Reporter directory (default location for the directory is C:\Program Files\3par\System Reporter\log). On Linux, the log file is in the /var/log/sampleloop/ directory.

NOTE: The <process_name> excludes the executable file name extensions ‘.exe’ (Windows) or ‘.bin’ (Linux).

For example, the main process (sampleloop) runs as a service on Windows or as a daemon on Linux and it creates a log file called sampleloop.log. As shown in Figure 3-2 on page 3.9,

the sampleloop process creates an inservsample process for each InServ system and these processes create log files such as inservsample_192.168.1.19.log.

At the beginning of each day (or whenever a process is restarted), a new

<process_name>.log is created and the old logs are rolled to <process_name>.<x>.log, where <x> is 1, 2 3 or 4. When log files are rolled, the previous <process_name>.4.log file is deleted and replaced with the <process_name>.3.log file.

When reporting a problem with sampling, please provide the entire log directory.

CAUTION: If you get an error in a sampling component that causes the service or daemon to stop, save the entire log directory before restarting the service or daemon so that you do not lose the error information in the logs.


Troubleshooting the Sampling Components