System Reporter 2.8

3PAR System Reporter User’s Guide

8.4.5 refresh

Use the refresh option to have the web browser automatically reload the report with the same options after the specified number of minutes. This option can only be specified once in a given query string. values:

Specify an integer number of minutes. Any other value will be ignored. example:

The following example specifies that the report is to be reloaded every 2 minutes:


8.4.6 charttab

Use the charttab option to specify whether to post the results in tabular format, as charts, or both. The number of charts and/or tables used to post the results depend on the report type. This option can only be specified once in a given query string. values:

Specify one of the following:


Specifies that results will be displayed in the form of one or more charts. When using charttab=chart, you can also use the charttype option to specify a chart type (see charttype on page 8.12).


Specifies that results will be displayed in tabular format.


(Default). Specifies that results will be displayed in the form of one or more charts, followed by one or more tables.

Report Options
