3PAR System Reporter User’s Guide

System Reporter 2.8

7.6 Configuring Adaptive Optimization

An optionally licensed Adaptive Optimization component is included with System Reporter that can be used to monitor and optimize storage utilization.

NOTE: See Chapter 9, Using Adaptive Optimization for complete details on how to configure and use Adaptive Optimization.

7.7 About File Permissions

The files installed or created by the 3PAR System Reporter installer have default permissions that allow any user to read file contents. If System Reporter has been configured to use MySQL or Oracle, the following files (shown in their default locations) contain password information that you may wish to protect:

C:\Program Files\3par\System Reporter\dbpwfile

C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\cgi-bin\ 3par-policy\config.tcl

C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\cgi-bin\ 3par-rpts\config.tcl

Similarly, if configured to generate email alerts with an SMTP user and password, the following file contains the SMTP user name and password:

C:\Program Files\3par\System Reporter\sampleloop_config.tcl

Use the appropriate Windows security mechanisms to limit file access as desired. The minimum level for correct operation is READ access by the SYSTEM account (the Apache HTTP Server and 3PAR System Reporter services run as the SYSTEM account).


Configuring Adaptive Optimization