System Reporter 2.8

3PAR System Reporter User’s Guide

9Confirm the following and then click Next:

Install As Windows Service is selected

the default Service Name is MySQL

the Launch the MySQL Server automatically checkbox is checked

10Confirm that Modify Security Settings is selected, enter a root password, and then retype the password to confirm.

CAUTION: Be sure to record the password for later reference.

11Make sure that Create An Anonymous Account is not selected and then click Next.

12Click Execute.

13When prompted, click Finish.

CAUTION: System Reporter only supports and creates MyISAM tables. Conversion of these tables to use any other type of storage engine is not supported. Setting the max_allowed_packet parameter

Change the max_allowed_packet MySQL parameter by editing its value in the MySQL initialization file.

On Linux, the default initialization file is /etc/my.cnf.

On Windows, the default initialization file is C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\my.ini.

The initialization file should include the following line:


After changing the max_allowed_packet parameter, you need to restart the MySQL server.

On Windows you can do this by restarting the MySQL service.

On Linux, you can run:

Installing the Database Server
