3PAR System Reporter User’s Guide

System Reporter 2.8 Standard Report Types

The following standard report types are available (Table 5-6):

Table 5-6.Standard Report Types

Report Type




Versus Time

Display metrics versus time. The beginning of the time range is


specified by the Begin/At Time control (see Begin/At Time on


page 5.31) and the end of the time range is specified by the End


Time control (see on page 5.31).


Unless the Compare control is available and set to something


other than none, the Versus Time report shows aggregate


metrics for all the selected objects over a range of time. See


Figure 5-6. Versus Time Report Example on page 5.20 for an




If the Compare control (see section Compare on


page 5.25) is set to a specific object, then the Versus Time


report plots the metrics separately for each of up to 16 of the


objects so that they can be compared. Figure 5-7. Versus Time


with Compare=System Report Example on page 5.21 shows an


example where the performance of systems is being compared.



At Time

Display metrics at the time specified by the Begin/At Time


control (see Begin/At Time on page 5.31). For this type of report,


the Group By (see section Group By on page 5.25) and


Order By (see section Order By on page 5.28) controls are


enabled and can be used to compare different groupings of


object type. Figure 5-8. Group By System:Host At Time Report


Example on page 5.22 shows an example of an example with


System and Host selected in the Group By control and IOPs/s


selected in the Order By control.




Creating Custom Reports