**4. Current time
5. Detail programme information: displayed if detailed programme information is provided.
6. Channel looping mode and Channel List Name : if you select Within the current channel list
byselecting MENU - Edit channels - Channel Change Mode , the Icon of Channel looping
modeis displayed. And channel list, which you selected, is displayed.
7. Programme broadcasting time and progress bar: displays programme playing time and
8. Next programme Information : displayed if next programme information is provided. Press the
buttonto display the next programme information.
Note: Ifthere is no available programme information, programme information is not displayed.
2. Detail Programme Information
Youcan see detailed information about the current programme.
Pressthe ibutton where I-plate is displayed to view detailed
Pressthe ibutton again to hide the information box.
Ifthe Detail information is more than one page, use
buttonto move to the previous or next page.
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