2.3 Search
Youcan move directly to your desired chapter/title /time/marker.
Pressthe SEARCH button to change search mode.
Pressthe EXIT or BACK button to immediately hide search mode on the screen .
1. Chapter/Title
1. Press the SEARCH button repeatedly to select a chapter
2. Enter your desired chapter or title number using the
NUMERICAL(0~9) button when your desired item is
Ifyou enter more than the total chapter or title number, the
numberentered is discarded. In that case, enter the
chapteror title number again.
Pressthe OK 38
buttonto immediately move to the beginning of a
selectedchapter or title.
2. Time
1. Press the SEARCH button repeatedly to select time.
2. Enter your desired time using the NUMERICAL (0~9)
buttonwhen time is displayed.
Ifyou enter more than the total play time, the entered
numberis discarded. In that case, enter the time again.
3. Press the OK button to move to the selected time
3. Marker
1. Press the SEARCH button repeatedly to select Marker.
2. Select your desired marker from the Marker list using the
or button,and then press the OK button. The
chapteror title is played from the marked point.
3. Select a marked point in the Marker list and press the
CLEAR buttonto delete the mark.
2. Playing a DVD-VIDEO Disc
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