7.7 Miscellaneous Settings
1. Press the MENU button.
2. Select Preferences using the button,and press the
OK or button.
3. Select Miscellaneous Settings using the button,
andpress the OK or button.
1. i-Plate Display Time
Youcan set the duration during which the Information box is to be displayed when you switch the
1. Select i-Plate Display Time using the button,and press the OK or button.
2. Select a value between 1~20 seconds using the button,and press the OK button.
Note: Whenit is set to Disable, the i-Plate will not be displayed when you switch the channel.
2. OSD Transparency
Youcan set the transparency of On Screen Display.
1. Select OSD Transparency using the button,and press the OK or button.
2. Select one option among Disable/25/50/75 using the button,and press the OK
Disable Fullyopaque screen
25,50, 75 Asthe number is bigger, the screen is more transparent.
3. Option in CH List
Youcan set the option of scrambled icon in the Option in CH List.
1. Select the Option in CH List using the button,and press the OK or button.
2. Select one option from On/Off using the button,and press the OK button.
On Scrambleicon display in the channel list.
Off Scrambleicon disappear in the channel list.
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