MP3files are highly compressed music files. The data is compressed to 1/10 of the volume of the
originalaudio material using a special process. This means that 10 hours of music can be stored on
asingle CD.
OSD (On Screen Display)
Thefunction that displays the information about the monitor that the user needs or has to know on
thescreen directly. OSD information includes brightness, contrast, tuning, RGB adjustment, and
screensize and positions (top, left, width, and height), and so on.
OTA (Over The Air)
Meansthat software downloads where the manufacturer reserves the right to decide when and
whereto release them through satellite system.
A21-pin connector used for connection of this product, VCR and TV. Also called Euroconnector or
S/PDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface format)
Standardformat for digital audio output. It outputs audio signals directly as digital audio signals
withoutchanging into analog signals because conversion into analog signals can degrade signal
Thisis used to transmit the brightness signal(Y signal) and color signal(C signal) separately.
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