4. Panel Display
Youcan set the front luminosity.
1. Select Panel Display using the button,and press the OK or button.
2. Select one option among Dim/Bright/Dim for Playback using the button,and press the
OK button.
Dim Frontpanel luminosity is dim.
Bright Frontpanel luminosity is bright.
5. Power Saving
Youcan set the power saving.
1. Select Power Saving using the button,and press
theOK or button.
2. Select one option among Screen Saver Time/Audio
ScreenSaver/Standby Time using the button,and
pressthe OK or button.
ScreenSaver Time Ifthere's no action for assigned amount of time
(3min/10min/30min),screen saver is run. If the screen saver time is
setto NEVER, the screen saver time is not enabled.
AudioScreen Saver Ifstandby time is set to On, audio is muted while the screen saver
ison. If standby time is set to Off, the audio screen saver is not
StandbyTime Ifthe assigned amount of time (5min/15min/35min) has elapsed
withoutplaying, it automatically goes to Standby status. If Standby
timeis set to NEVER, Standby time is not enabled.
4. Settings (DVD part)
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