5. Display Format
Youcan select the Display Format according to TV Screen Ratio.
1. Select Display Format button,and press the OK or button.
2. If the Screen Ratio is set to 4:3, you can select one from 16:9 Letterbox/14:9
Letterbox/CentreCutout using the button,and press the OK button.
3. If the screen ratio is set to 16:9, this item will display Disable or Auto.
6. Dynamic Range
Thisfunction adjusts audio output of SCART, RCA, and RF cable with DOLBY DIGITAL.
Whenlistening at a low volume, Dynamic Range reduces the volume of loud sounds such as
explosions,etc, and increases the volume of quiet sounds such as whispered dialog.
1. SelectDynamicRange using the button,andpress the OK or button.
2. Select one option among Maximum/Standard/Minimumusing the button,and
pressthe OK button
Maximum Nocompression of Dolby Digital sound.
Standard Lightcompression of Dolby Digital sound. Set this when listening at low volume
innight. If you connect to a TV with a RCA socket, we will recommend Standard
Minimum Heavycompression of Dolby Digital sound. Set this when listening the TV by
connectingby RF cable. If you connect to a TV with a RF socket, we will
recommendMinimum for user.
7. Downmix Mode
Youcan set the downmix mode
1. Select Downmix Mode using the button,and press the OK or button.
2. You can select one option from Dolby Surround or Stereo Normal.
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