3.3 Playlist Menu
1. Press theLIST button while playing an Audio Disc to
displayPlaylist menu.
2. Press the buttonto select your desired Playlist
3. Press the OK or buttonto move to sub-menu or
selectan option.
Note: IfPlaylist is On, the Track Number is displayed in the assigned order in the Playlist and
theDisc in Repeat Mode is disabled.
EditPlaylist Editsthe playlist. Refer to 3.10 to edit.Select your
desiredtracks and press the OK button. Press the
BACK orEXIT button to return to the Playlist.
AddAll Tracks to Playlist Addsall tracks on the audio disc to the playlist.
EnablePlaylist Theplaylist is set to On and track(s) on the playlist is
DisablePlaylist Theplaylistis set to Off and all tracks on the audio disc
DeletePlaylist All tracks on the playlist are deleted and the playlist is
3.4 Search
Youcan directly move to your desired place. Press the SEARCH button to change search mode.
1. Track
1. Press the SEARCH button to select a track.
2. Enter your desired track number using the NUMERICAL
(0~9)button. If you enter more than the total number, the
numberentered is discarded. In that case, enter the track
3. Press the OK button to move to the beginning of
selectedtrack immediately.
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