3.1 Booting Mode
Whenpowering on your receiver for the first time, the mode selection will automatically appear.
SelectDTV or DVD using the orDVD/DTV and press
theOK button.
Pleasewait for booting the DTV or DVD.
Ifyou don’t select a specific mode, then the previous mode will
beautomatically selected.
3.2 Installation Wizard
Whenusing the DTV mode for the first time, a Channel Search will be performed automatically. (You
canrun the Installation Wizard in Default Setting.)
1. During operating search, the cursor is located at Stop.
Therefore,if you press the OK button during searching,
theoperation is stopped and the channels found so far will
2. Even after the search operation is complete, and no or not
allchannels are found, press the OK button and try to
resetthe search operation again if necessary.
3. You can delete any unwanted channels from the list of
foundchannels. Select your desired channels to delete
andpress the OK button. Then select Delete and
pressthe OK button. To delete all channels, select
SelectAll to select all channels, select Delete, and press
theOK button.
4. After completing the Channel Search and deleting unwanted channels, select Save to save
thechanges. When completing Channel Search, you can enjoy digital television.
Warning: Ifyou exit the Install Wizard without fully completing the channel searching
procedures,you may not watch any broadcasting normally. In this case, you
canuse the Installation Menu to configure your receiver as you like
3. Loading
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