2.6 Repeat a section of disc
Youcan set the sections to repeatedly switch between each other.
1. Press the ABbutton while playing a disc to set the
repeatpoint to A.
2. Press the ABbutton repeatedly to repeat playing
betweenSection A and B.
3. Play the setting start and end section repeatedly.
4. If the ABsetting is displayed on the screen, press the A
Bbuttonto release the setting.
Ifthe ABsetting is not displayed on the screen, press
the buttonto display the screen setting, and then
pressthe buttonagain to release the setting.
2.7 Fast Playing
Pressthe FORWARD button to increase the forward
Pressthe FORWARD button to increase the backward
Eachtime you press the FORWARD or BACKWARD
button,the playing speed options are rotated as below.
Forward x2-> x4 -> x8 -> x16 -> normal play -> x2 -> x4 ...
Backward x2-> x4 -> x8 -> x16 -> normal play-> x2 -> x4 ...
TheDVD subtitle is displayed as forward x2. If you increase the playing speed faster than this,
thesubtitle is not displayed.
Pressthe buttonto play at normal speed.
2. Playing a DVD-VIDEO Disc
GB 78