3.8 Play Mode
1. Press the PLAY MODE buttonduring playing to
displayplay mode.
2. Press the PLAY MODE buttonrepeatedly to rotate
theplay mode in the order of Normal -> Shuffle ->Intro ->
Normal Playsin normal track order.
Shuffle Playsin random track order.
Intro Playsthe beginning of a track for 10
3.9 Repeat Mode
1. Press the REPEAT MODE button during playing to display
currentrepeat mode.
2. Press the REPEAT MODE button repeatedly to rotate the
repeatmode in the order of Off -> Disc -> Track ->
Playlist-> Off.
SelectOff to disenable repeat mode.
Ifthe playlist is set to Off, you cannot select repeat mode.
TheDisc repeat mode is disable during playing in the Playlist.
3.10 Playlist Editor
Youcan edit the playlist to play music file with the making lists.
1. Press the PROGRAM or LIST button during
playingto display Playlist Editor.
2. Select Edit Playlist using the or buttonandpress
theOK button.
3. Playing a Audio CD
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