Only for DVD player
1. Cleaning discs
Somemalfunctions (frozen or distorted and broken sound for example) are due to dirt on the disc. To
avoidsuch problems you should clean your discs regularly.
Dirtydiscs should be cleaned with a soft cloth. Always wipe
fromthe middle to the edge.
Note: Donot use any solvents such as benzine, thinner, alcohol , commercially
availablecleaning agents or antistatic sprays designed for analogue records.
2. Handling discs
Donot touch the playback side of disc.
Holdthe disc by the edges so that fingerprints will not get on the surface.
3. Storing discs
Afterplaying, store the disc in its case.
Donot expose the disc to direct sunlight or sources of heat, or leave it in a parked car exposed to
directsunlight, as there may be a considerable temperature increase inside the car.
GB 7