4. Manual Update
Youcan perform Manual Update only if you know MUX information of software update correctly.
Amongthe Software Update Sites of HUMAX, the software search operation is performed only for
thesatellites that have been set to Enable in Installation - Antenna Setting - Satellite Alternative
menuand that have all other Antenna Setting correct.
1. Select Manual Update from Software Update screen
usingthe button,and press the OK or button.
Selectthe channel number which provides update
software.You can also enter the frequency instead of
channelnumber in which updated software is provided.
2. Select Mode. If the information is not known, then Auto
canbe selected.
3. Select Mode. If the information is not known, then Auto
canbe selected.
4. Select Guard Interval. If the information is not known, then
Autocan be selected.
Note: Howto setting parameters in Manual Update is
thesame as how to set parameters in Manual
Search.Refer to Manual Search.
5. Select Search and Press the OK button to search
6. It is displayed whether or not New Software exist.
Ifnew software does not exist, press the OK button to
returnto the Manual Update Menu.
7. Select Yes and press the OK button to start updating.
SelectNO and press the OK button to return to the
SelectLater and press the OK button to update later.
Thatmeans the update menu display as soon as you turn
onthe receiver next time.
8. Performs Software Update. Please wait until it is
9. When completing the software update, the product is
automaticallypowered off and on again.
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