Configuration Screens

Configuring the IN-tact 1101



Security Settings Screen

On the navigation tree, click IN-tactSetup > System Setup > Security. The Security Settings screen appears:

This screen is used to set IN-tact1101 security features. It also appears the first time you log in to the device with the default password. If you have already set the password, you can skip this screen and continue with configuration.

You can change the IN-tact1101 password whenever necessary. There is one default user name for log in (admin) and it cannot be changed. There is no default time period for password expiration; the password you set remains valid until it is changed.

Password guidelines:

A minimum of eight characters are required, maximum of 32 characters

Any combination of characters is permitted

Mixed case (upper and lowercase) is permitted

Default password is “12345678”.

To change the password:

1.Type the current password in the Old Password field. For security purposes, your entry will appear as a series of asterisks.

2.Type the new password in the New Password field. It must be at least eight characters.

3.Type the new password again in the Retype New Password field to confirm.

4.Click Apply to temporarily save your settings. Your changes are immediately written to persistent memory. The new password is in effect the next time you log in to the IN-tact1101.

IN-tact1101 Software Configuration Guide