Configuration Screens

Configuring the IN-tact 1101





Inactivity Disconnect Timer

Use the Hours and Minutes fields to specify the amount of time you


would like the IN-tact1101 to hold the modem connection open after


the last transaction was processed. The modem will automatically


disconnect after the time you specify here transpires. By default, this


is set to five minutes. The valid range of entries is between zero


minutes and 24 hours. Setting this value to zero disables the timer


and the modem will stay indefinitely connected, regardless of the


status of the Ethernet connection. You will have to manually


disconnect the modem in this case. The value of Inactivity Disconnect


Timer (if not set to zero) must be greater than that of Ethernet Retry





Ethernet Retry Timer

Use the Hours and Minutes fields to set how often the IN-tact1101


should retry the Ethernet connection while operating in dial backup


mode. If the Ethernet connection has been re-established, the IN-tact


1101 closes the modem connection and reverts to normal IP-based


transaction processing as soon as the Inactivity Disconnect Timer


expires. By default, the IN-tact1101 rechecks the Ethernet


connection every minute. The valid range of entries is between 1 and


1439 minutes.



Dialing Mode

Use the drop-down list to select whether the IN-tact1101 begins


establishing a modem connection immediately upon Ethernet outage,


or waits until a transaction has been generated (default).



Allow Terminal Program

Click this checkbox to enable terminal program downloads while


operating in dial backup mode. By default, this option is enabled.


However, because terminal downloads can take some time to


complete, you may not want them to occur during dial sessions, only


via IP sessions.



NOTE: Click Back, Save and Continue or Apply and Restart as appropriate. Keep in mind that your changes are not written to persistent memory until you click Apply and Restart.

IN-tact1101 Software Configuration Guide