Chapter 6: Diagnostics


The IN-tact1101 provides event logging in order to help you isolate and troubleshoot specific events that occur on the terminal network. An event is an asynchronous message generated by the system when it encounters a specific situation. The event message contains the severity of the situation and a description.

Keep in mind that not all events captured in the Event Log indicate a problem; many are part of normal operation. Additionally, some events may be transient, while others are persistent. The Event Log provides a window in which to view what is happening and make a determination about any actions you should take.

The screens within the Diagnostics portion of the navigation tree are:

Event Logging Setup — Used to set the level of severity of events you wish to monitor. You also set an optional IP address here for forwarding captured events to a system log (syslog)

Event Logging View — Provides a scrolling window for reviewing captured events. Also allows you to export the Event Log for later review. Notepad is the recommended application for reviewing the Event Log.

IN-tact1101 Software Configuration Guide