Event Logging Setup

Event Logging Setup

On the navigation tree, click Diagnostics > Event Logging > Setup. The Event Logging Setup screen appears:

In order to use the Event Log, you must set up the IN-tact1101 to capture specific events. Use the following information to enable event logging. Also, it is important to note that SNMP traps are not filtered by the Event Log settings specified here.




Select the severity level of events to log from the drop-down list.


There are four levels of events and they are listed in order of severity


below with Error being the highest. The severity level you select will


capture those events, as well as any events that are more critical. For


example, if you select the Warning level, both Warning and Error level


events will be captured, but not Info or Debug level events.


Error — In most cases, these events will have some impact on


operations and transactions may not be processing correctly. Error


events usually requires an interaction or attention on your part. Some


error events should be exported and forwarded to Hypercom for


analysis, as they may indicate a firmware problem.


Warning — These events are indications that should be monitored.


They do not necessarily indicate a failure, but cover operations like


polls being lost and then restored. Warnings often indicate a transient




Info — These events simply provide information; they are not


indicative of a problem, but are useful in analyzing what is happening


with the device.


Debug — These events are related to the internal operation of the


IN-tact1101 and are not generally useful to anyone but system


engineers. These events record buffer allocations and memory


addresses to analyze software operation within the device. You may


be asked to select this level of logging when working with Hypercom


technical support.



Send To

Click the Syslog checkbox to send the events to a system log at


another location. You must provide an IP address of where to forward


the events.




Hypercom Corporation