Set Date/Time Screen

Set Date/Time Screen

On the navigation tree, click Control Panel > Set System Time. The Set System Date/Time Function screen appears:

It is important to accurately set the time for the IN-tact1101. Because some diagnostic functions, like event logging, use a wrap-around buffer to capture information, you will not be able to tell when specific events have occurred without a time reference. This is also important for SSL functions; the certificates will not be authenticated correctly.

The IN-tact1101 does not have a battery to maintain time when power is removed. Time is lost after a power reset. The device, however, does include a feature to synchronize time with pre- configured servers using Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP). See the System Setup > Time screen to enable and configure the use of SNTP.

Current Local Date/Time - This is a reference that indicates what date and time the IN-tact1101 currently has set.

If SNTP is enabled, a message appears in red on this screen stating “SNTP time synchronization is enabled. Local time cannot be modified.” The fields normally available to set local time are disabled.

If SNTP is disabled, the device defaults the date/time to the date of the current firmware build each time power is reset. The date and time fields will be available and can be set using the up/down arrows to the right of each field, or by simply typing your entry into each field. Click Set Time after entering the correct time. The message “Set time operation succeeded.” displays on the screen to acknowledge the new time settings.

IMPORTANT - If not using SNTP, time must be reset after any restart of the device. Time on the IN-tact1101 is only valid while the device is powered on and operating. In other words, if you power off or reset the device, time will have to be reset in order to be current. The IN-tact1101 defaults the date and time to the date of the firmware build whenever time is reset.

IN-tact1101 Software Configuration Guide