Event Log View
Use Export to create a text file of the events in your browser window. You can then save the file as necessary. Use your browser's Back button to return to
To configure the Notepad association for .dat files:
1.Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Folder Options.
2.Click the File Types tab.
3.If you have DAT file type registered, go to step 6.
4.Click New to open the “Create new extension” dialog, type DAT in the edit box.
5.Click Advanced and use “Text Document” as the associated file type from the
6.Click Advanced to open the “Edit File Type” dialog.
7.You can click Change Icon to change the icon to one you will readily recognize.
8.Click New to open the “New Action” dialog (or click Edit to open the “Edit Action” dialog if you have “Open” action defined).
9.Type Open in the Action edit box, click Browse and navigate to the folder where Notepad.exe is located, such as C:\WINNT\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE.
10.Type C:\WINNT\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE %1 in the edit box labeled with “application used to perform action”.
11.Click OK at each of the prompts to acknowledge and close the open dialogs.
The following table lists all of the events that can occur, their severity level, and whether or not an SNMP trap is generated because of the event. SNMP traps are explained in Chapter 8.
Event Log Message Table
Event Log Message Text | Severity Level | SNMP Trap |
Event Logger Events |
Bad log message - - invalid subsystem 0x%x | Warning | Yes |
Bad log message - - invalid ordinal 0x%x for subsystem 0x%x | Warning | Yes |
Kernel Event |
Assert failed in function %s line %d | Error | Yes |
SDLC Events |
Improperly formatted SDLC message received from address %02x | Warning | Yes |
Terminal %02x poll lost - - %d | Warning | Yes |
Terminal %02x poll restored | Warning | Yes |
Unable to remove header prior to sending rx data to client | Error | Yes |
Initial offset too large for the buffer | Error | Yes |
Initial length too large for the buffer | Error | Yes |
Unable to format buffer from pool %d | Error | Yes |
70 | Hypercom Corporation |