Event Log View
Event Log Message Text | Severity Level | SNMP Trap |
Error attempting to add a header to a buffer | Error | Yes |
Retrieved an application frame which is not a buffer msg %d | Error | Yes |
Mailbox %d is full - - message discarded | Error | Yes |
Unable to acquire buffer from pool %d | Error | Yes |
Internal state error for address %02x eDropState=0x%2x | Error | Yes |
Unable to cancel POSIX resource %d | Error | Yes |
Retrieved an invalid event message %x | Error | Yes |
Error reading from HDLC - - %s | Error | Yes |
Invalid length %d bytes read from HDLC | Error | Yes |
SCC Event |
Receive buffers exhausted. Frame discarded. | Error | Yes |
TCP/IP/Ethernet Interface Events |
Cannot create session to %s:%d - %s | Warning | Yes |
Cannot create SSL session to %s:%d - %s | Warning | Yes |
Persistent session to host %s:%d established | Info | No |
Persistent SSL session to host %s:%d established | Info | No |
Persistent session to host %s:%d closed | Warning | Yes |
Ethernet link lost | Error | Yes |
Ethernet link restored | Warning | Yes |
Received invalid length 0x%04x from %s:%d. Restarting session | Error | Yes |
DNS lookup of name %s failed | Warning | No |
No DNS server configured | Error | Yes |
Web Server Events |
Invalid administrator password entered from %s | Info | No |
Administrator logged in from %s | Warning | Yes |
Administrator logged out from %s | Warning | Yes |
Administrator password changed by %s | Warning | Yes |
Login session from %s timed out | Warning | Yes |
Maximum failed login attempts | Warning | Yes |
HLAN to IP Events |
Improperly formatted message from terminal %02x - - message | Error | Yes |
discarded |
Transaction from terminal %02x - - NII %03X routed to default NII | Info | Yes |
Transaction from terminal %02x - - no route to NII %03X - - message | Warning | Yes |
discarded |
Transaction memory full | Error | Yes |
Open error on subsystem %d | Error | Yes |
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