System Operations Screen



Restore to Factory Defaults

Click to erase the current configuration, any upgraded firmware, and


restore all settings to those as shipped from the factory.


WARNING: Use the previous two options only as the last resort!


Performing these operations erases all IP addresses and other


information and the IN-tactunit will have to be completely


reconfigured before it can process any transactions. If the unit is in a


remote location, it may be necessary to return it to the deployment


center for reconfiguration. Enable DHCP is restored as is the default


IP address of

Enable HLAN Install Mode

This is an optional mode of operation used for installation testing of


connected terminals prior to making connections to the host


processor. It allows you to verify the integrity of your HLAN and


terminals before sending any live transactions to the host. Installation


mode should always be disabled before beginning normal operations.




Hypercom Corporation