Title: C74AMST CreationDate: 06/23/93 17:09:07
@echo off
QExpUnit > nul |
| |
If ErrorLevel | 255 goto error | |||
If ErrorLevel | 2 | goto exp2 | ||
If | ErrorLevel | 1 | goto | exp1 |
If | ErrorLevel |
| goto | exp |
:exp rem
rem Start the programs here which are to be run when no Doc k I,
rem or the port replicator without PCMCIA is connected to the computer rem
goto end
rem Start the programs here which are to be run when the po rt replicator rem with PCMCIA slots is connected to the computer
rem goto end
rem Start the programs here which are to be run when the Do ck I rem is connected to the computer
rem goto end
echo This version of QExpUnit will not run on this compute r