3745 and Service Processor Maintenance
Click on the Select a link Record option.
On the DCAF Link Record Directory window, double-click on the desired link (LAN, SDLC)
On the DCAF Target Password window, enter the password and click on OK.
The DCAF Target/Monitoring/ALT+T is displayed.
Return to the SDLC State Monitoring and click on Session in the action bar.
Click on Active.
Transferring Engineering Data to the Remote Service Processor
On the SDLC State Active-Key Stroke Remote window, click on Services in the action bar.
Click on Start File Transfer.
The DCAF - File Transfer Utilities window is displayed.
On this window:
Enter the source file name:
K:|pedat|xxxxxxxx.zip (Note)
Enter the destination file name (which can be the same).
Do not select the compress option.
Click on Receive.
A DCAF - File Transfer Utility window is displayed showing the status.
When the transfer is done, the message File Transfer Performed successfully is displayed. Click
on OK.
Click on the Delete Engineering Data to delete engineering data file on MOSS-E.
Note: xxxxxxxx = Manufacturing plant and serial number of service processor.
Chapter 1. START: How to Begin Troubleshooting 1-59