Disabling Procedures
3745 Diagnostic Requirement

If all of the machine is available and the MOSS is running alone, go to “How to Run Internal Func-

tion Tests” on page 3-9 and run the appropriate diagnostic or perform other maintenance as


Table 1-8. 3745 Diagnostic Requirements
Diagnostic Go to
CA “Disabling Procedure 0110: Preparing a CA for Maintenance” on page 1-61.
CA wrap tests “Disabling Procedure 0110: Preparing a CA for Maintenance” on page 1-61.
ESS “Disabling Procedure 0120: Preparing a TSS/HPTSS/ESS for Maintenance” on
page 1-62.
HPTSS “Disabling Procedure 0120: Preparing a TSS/HPTSS/ESS for Maintenance” on
page 1-62.
MOSS “Disabling Procedure 0130: How to Put the MOSS Offline: Preparing the MOSS for
Maintenance” on page 1-65.
TRSS “Disabling Procedure 0140: Preparing a TRSS for Maintenance” on page 1-66.
TSS “Disabling Procedure 0120: Preparing a TSS/HPTSS/ESS for Maintenance” on
page 1-62.
LIC wrap test (IFT) “Disabling Procedure 0150: Preparing LIC Type 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 for Maintenance” on
page 1-69.
LIC wrap test (WTT) “How to Run the Wrap Test (WTT) for TSS, HPTSS, or 3746-900” on page 3-15.
CCU/IOC bus/CBA The entire machine is required. Notify the operator to deactivate all the lines
attached to the 3745 and to deactivate NCP. Run the requested diagnostics. If
necessary refer to “How to Run Internal Function Tests” on page 3-9. Then go to
“Diagnostic and Exchange Result Analysis 0000” on page 4-99. For CBA diag-
nostic you need the whole 3745 powered ON and in Offline mode, while the
3746-900 must be powered ON, error free, setted in Online mode with the CBC and
its CBSP available in the CDF-E and not in concurrent mode.
To run the requested diagnostics, refer to “How to Run Internal Function Tests” on
page 3-9 then go to “Diagnostic and Exchange Result Analysis 0000” on
page 4-99.
1-60 3745 Models 130 to 17A: MIP