PCSS power control subsystem
PSTCE product support trained CE
PS1 FRU name of power supply number 1
PS2 FRU name of power supply number 2
PTCE product-trained CE
PTT Post, Telephone and Telegraph (agency)
PUC FRU name of the CCU card
PV parity valid (signal)
RAC repair action code
RCV receive
RD receive data (signal)
RETAIN Remote Technical Assistance Information
RFS ready for sending (signal)
RI 1) register to immediate operand
2) ring indicator (same as CI)
RIM request initialization mode (SDLC)
ROS read-onlystorage
RPO remotepower-OFF
RSF remote support facility
RTS request to send (signal)
R/W read/write
SALC scanner ALC (Airline line control)
SAR storage address register
SAT specific assurance test
SCTL FRU name of the storage control card
SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control
SIM set initialization mode (SDLC)
SMUXA FRU name of the single multiplex card
for LIC board type 2
SMUXB FRU name of the single multiplex card
for LIC board type 2
SNA Systems Network Architecture
SNRM set normal response mode (SDLC)
SPDn signal and power distribution card
SPS service and power support
SRC system reference code
STO FRU name of the storage (card)
SVC supervisor call
SWx FRU name of switch number x
T transmit (signal)
TA tag address
TCM 1) thermally-controlled module
2) trellis coded modulation
TD 1) tag data
2) transmitted data (signal)
TERMC FRU name of the terminator/channel
signals card (IOC)
TERMD FRU name of the DMA terminator card
TERMI FRU name of the IOC terminator card
TERMR FRU name of the terminator/redrive card
TI test indicator (signal)
TIC token-ring interface coupler
TIC1 FRU name of the TIC card type 1 (4
Mbits only)
TIC2 FRU name of the TIC card type 2 (4 and
16 Mbits)
TIC3 FRU name of the TIC card type 3 (4 and
16 Mbits)
TPS two-processor switch
TRA token-ring adapter
TRM FRU name of the token-ring multiplexer
card that controls up to two TICs
TRP token-ring processor
TRSS token-ring subsystem
TSS transmission subsystem
T1 US service for very high speed trans-
missions at 1.5 million bps
UA unnumbered acknowledgment (SDLC)
UC universalcontroller
UEPO unit emergency power-Off
URSF universal remote support facility
V volt
VB valid byte (signal)
VAC volts, alternating current
VDC volts, direct current
VH valid halfword (signal)
VTAM Virtual Telecommunications Access
V.24 CCITT V.24 recommendation
V.25 CCITT V.25 recommendation
V.28 CCITT V.28 recommendation
V.35 CCITT V.35 recommendation
X-4 3745 Models 130 to 17A: MIP