3745 Panel Codes

Table 1-5 (Page 14 of 33). Panel Codes. An

following a panel code denotes that the code should 'Blink'.
Code Definition Action: Go to “3745 FRU Group
Table” on page 1-49
or to MAP number
A38ñMoss level 0 error detection; MCCU A; PIO; Timeout;
Outbound address parity check
Exchange the FRU group 20
A39ñMoss level 0 error detection; MCCU A; PIO; Timeout;
Adapter not detected
A3AñMoss level 0 error detection; MCCU A; PIO; Timeout;
Adapter failure
A3BñMoss level 0 error detection; MCCU A; PIO; Timeout;
Multiple bits detected in Stat reg
A3C to A67 Unused Go to “MAP 3220: Undefined Panel
Message” on page 2-5
A68ñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; Adapter is 'down'
Exchange the FRU group 5
A69ñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; Adapter is 'down';
Excess spurious errors
A6AñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; Adapter check;
Internal clock check 1
A6BñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; Adapter check;
Internal clock check 2
A6CñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; Adapter check;
Multiple bits detected in Disconnect reg
Exchange the FRU group 5
A6DñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; Device; Adapter
check; State counter parity
A6EñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; Device; Adapter
check; Shift pulse counter parity
A6FñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; Device; Adapter
check; Ground fault detected on a driver line
A70ñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; Device; Adapter
check; Interface check
Exchange the FRU group 5
A71ñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; Device; Adapter
check; Interface timeout
A72ñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; Device; Adapter
check; Interface parity check
A73ñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; Device; Adapter
check; Multiple bits detected in EB Stat reg
A74ñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; Device; Adapter
check; Switch interface error
Exchange the FRU group 5
A75ñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; Device; Adapter
check; Switch driver fault
A76ñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; Device; Adapter
check; Switch serial link parity
A77ñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; Device; Adapter
check; Switch invalid command
A78ñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; Device; Adapter
check; Multiple bits detected in Device stat reg
Exchange the FRU group 5
A79ñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; Device; Adapter
check; Adapter failure
A7AñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; Device; Adapter
check; No Common Adapter Code running
A7BñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; PIO; Bus check;
Inbound parity
A7CñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; PIO; Bus check;
Adapter failure
Exchange the FRU group 5
A7DñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; PIO; Bus check;
Adapter not detected
A7EñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; PIO; Timeout;
Invalid command
A7FñMoss level 0 error detection; SWAD; PIO; Timeout;
Outbound address parity check
1-28 3745 Models 130 to 17A: MIP