All-Wheel Drive (AWD) warning light (AWD models)*

Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) warn- ing light

Automatic transmission check warning light

Brake warning light

Charge warning light

Distance Control Assist (DCA) system warning light (orange)*

Engine oil pressure warning light

Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC) system warning light (orange)*

Intelligent Key warning light

Lane departure warning light (orange)*

Low tire pressure warning light

Master warning light

Preview Function warning light (or- ange)*

Rear Active Steer warning light*

Seat belt warning light

Supplemental air bag warning light

Adaptive Front lighting System (AFS) indicator light*

Automatic transmission position indi- cator light

Front passenger air bag status light

High beam indicator light (blue)

Intelligent Brake Assist (IBA) off indi- cator light*

Lane Departure Prevention (LDP) ON indicator light (green)*

Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL)

Security indicator light

Slip indicator light

Small light indicator lights

SPORT mode indicator light*

Turn signal/hazard indicator lights

Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) off indicator light

*: if so equipped


With all doors closed, apply the parking brake and push the ignition switch to the ON position without starting the engine.

2-12Instruments and controls

The following lights will come on (if so equipped):

, or , , , , ,

The following lights come on briefly and then go off (if so equipped):

, or , , , ,,

, , ,

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Image 82
Infiniti S51-D owner manual Checking Bulbs