The following information can be printed:
•Formatting characters:
– Image Address Field %A, %B, %C, %D these fields are defined on the Image Address dialog box.
–Sequential Counter %S: this value is used to assign the document count for the next document entering the transport. This value is incremented sequentially by the scanner unless another document count is received from the host. This value is returned in the image header.
–Time %T: valid format is HH:MM.
–Date%Y (in one of the following formats): MMDDYYYY, DDMMYYYY or YYYYMMDD. This format is defined in the Date Format field.
–Message: enter the text you want printed on a scanned document. Characters from the following font are supported: Microsoft Global IME 5.01
NOTE: To view the Japanese characters correctly you must get the MS Gothic font set by installing the Microsoft Global IME 5.01 for Japanese - with Language Pack, English Language Version which can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/iebuild/ime5_win 32/en/ime5_win32.htm
Date Delimiter select one of the date delimiters: Forward slash (/),